Listened to another interview of Dr. David Diamond hosted by Dave Feldman.

@ 3:22 Dr. Diamond’s mentioned about his previous research involving stress and nutrition, and further investigation of the impacts of a “high fat” versus “ketogenic” diet. He published a paper in 2005 titled "Combination of high fat diet and chronic stress retracts hippocampal dendrites". In the paper, he showed that high saturated fat (lard + coconut oil) diet plus stress produces atrophy in mice's brain. Later he found he was ignoring the fact that 25% of the calorie actually came from sugar. Because the demon on the plate was the fat, it made people easily to ignore the fact that the diet was actually a sugar fat diet but not a low sugar high fat diet. After realizing this, he ran a study with 50 randomly picked papers with "high fat diet" in the title. All 50 papers showed negative effect and all 50 papers used a method of combination of fat and sugar. He also searched 50 other papers with "ketogenic diet" in the title. All 50 papers showed either neutral effect or benefit. What is important is that ketogenic had no sugar. Very interesting. I will be very careful with the "high fat" research and double check on the sugar part from now on. On the other hand, it does show that combining high fat and high sugar is dangerous, it is worse than having either high fat or high sugar by itself.
The complete timeline of the interview is as following:
0:00 Intro
0:30 David Diamond’s health and history – how did he get to where he is now?
3:22 Dr. Diamond’s previous research involving stress and nutrition, and further investigation of the impacts of a “high fat” versus “ketogenic” diet
6:00 Further investigation into Dr. Diamond’s high triglycerides on a standard American diet, and how he tackled the problem
9:40 David’s current bloodwork and other health markers
11:47 The curiosity of people who change their committed mind
14:30 David’s thoughts on the data on mortality in Norway during WWII
20:50 Morrison study – were improvements from the diet, or the lifestyle?
Study mentioned: Reduction of mortality rate in coronary atherosclerosis by a low cholesterol-low fat diet
23:20 Do ketogenic diets have to be high meat diets? What is an ideal human diet?
25:56 Dean Ornish – changing lifestyle, lowering stress and its impact on health.
30:00 What does David say to randomized control trials of vegan vs omnivorous diets being “too hard”?
32:57 Dave’s experience with vegans who have high triglycerides
35:00 Are plant foods and fiber inherently healthy?
38:40 The use “overuse” of paradox in the medical and nutrition field – the paradox of high fat/high meat consumption in indigenous populations and low rates of heart disease
44:07 Devil’s Advocate intro
44:26 Wouldn’t it be fair to say that there’s enough evidence that LDL, in itself, causes heart disease?
Study mentioned: Inborn coagulation factors are more important cardiovascular risk factors than high LDL-cholesterol in familial hypercholesterolemia.
Study mentioned: Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review.
Study mentioned: Mortality among patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: a registry-based study in Norway, 1992-2010.
54:50 The vast majority of experts agree on the need to lower LDL – shouldn’t we trust the experts?
Statement mentioned: Statin Safety and Associated Adverse Events: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
58:55 Submitted questions intro
59:00 How do PCSK9 inhibitors work?
1:04:19 Is two years sufficient to see outcomes from cholesterol lowering therapy? What do the current studies show for effectiveness?
1:11:50 What about all-cause mortality and cholesterol levels?
Study mentioned: Familial Hypercholesterolemia: A Genetic and Metabolic Study.
1:14:40 Discussion on the effects of cholestyramine for use in cholesterol lowering
Study mentioned: Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease
1:24:24 Can a Low Carb High Fat diet lower the proportion of small dense LDL in people with Familial Hypercholesterolemia?
1:28:28 What are David’s thoughts on taking statins while on keto?
1:35:00 If LDL isn’t a strong indicative marker of risk, what does David suggest people look at instead?
1:35:57 Is it how often your blood sugar spikes per meal, or just that it spikes?
1:38:10 Thoughts on curcumin and berberine to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol?
1:39:34 Do people on Low Carb High Fat/keto have slightly fatty livers?
1:44:00 Outro and how to reach David Diamond
Twitter: @LDLSkeptic
Facebook: David Diamond